gfx group
the gfx group is part of the computer science and engineering department at taylor university. we investigate the many facets of computer graphics through courses, research, and competitions. a few of the topics we explore are listed below.
- digital artist workflows
- interactive graphics with webgl and opengl
- human-computer interaction
- web development
- image generation with rasterization, raytracing, and pathtracing
- game engine and game design
- vr interfaces
- texture analysis and generation

dr. jon denning
associate professor
department co-chair
software developer
our primary interest is in visualizing, summarizing, and studying workflows, but recently we started studying textures and vr.
we just started a graphics lab!
see our research page for more details.
our curriculum contains many courses that involve computer graphics, game development, game engine architecture, and human-computer interaction. these courses include:
- interactive webpage design, cos143
- introduction to game design, cos170
- computer graphics, cos350
- computer vision, cos351
- game engine architecture, cos370
- surfaces and modeling, cos424
- principles in human-computer interaction, sys214
- game studies, sys270
see dr. jon denning's teaching page for more details.

the tu cse gamejam is a game jam series hosted by dr. jon denning and run by students at taylor university. a game jam is a short, fun, and intense party at which students get together to develop a video game from scratch.
visit the gamejam site for more details.
the tu cse codecon is a programming contest series hosted by dr. jon denning and the cse department.
visit the codecon site for more details.